HKU Grade Appeal 攻略

Procedures for checking of assessment results – 流程、準備和成功心得

頭盔:每一個Faculty嘅處理手法都有不同,本文中所有嘅appeal都係向Arts Faculty提出。各位同學請自行按照Home Faculty嘅指示處理,並以email為準。

放grade總有天氣不似預期嘅情況,例如明明你覺得自己攞硬A+但係偏偏就出咗個B,又或者你覺得自己掹車邊都有C,點知F埋。相信大家第一個念頭就一定係有冇搞錯,冇可能嘅冇天理呀。如果你相信改卷或計分嘅程序出咗錯,建議你向Faculty申請checking of assessment results,簡稱appeal。






以我經驗,適合Appeal嘅科係會每一個assignment or grade component嘅分都有公佈,所以自己計過之後認為錯grade,又或者計完之後覺得個分啱啱踩咗喺cut off度。呢兩個都係比較上值得去Appeal嘅情況。

如果我冇任何component grade/分數,可以點算?

建議你即刻send email問Tutor或者lecturer。語氣要謙虛啲,話你想知道自己有咩不足之類。睇分/ grade真係好重要,因為係直接話俾你知Appeal成功嘅機率。


首先你應該留意Faculty email,當中會話俾你知procedure係點嘅,特別要注意截止日期,通常係出grade後兩個禮拜內。

以Arts Faculty為例,你會須要在限期前提交:

  • (a) personal information (name, University number, curriculum)
  • (b) information about the course and assessment result to be checked (course code and name, the assignment/examination in question, the assessment result obtained which is to be checked)
  • (c) the grounds for making the request to check.

以及$200 Application fee。


相信大家都識填(a) personal information。喺(b) ,你可以特別提出某一項assignment/ course component要求重新計算,但似乎就咁要求再計一次final result都可以,唔使特別填,個人感覺呢部份唔太重要,總之填啱course code course name就OK。

而(c)就係最重要,亦都係最多人唔識嘅part啦。切記,Appeal只係俗稱,Checking of assessment result只會check for procedural irregularity or technical error in the determination of that result,唔係DSE咁有remarking。如你要求重新改卷/ 改assignment,Faculty大可直接拒絕。所以,我兩次Appeal嘅理據都係計錯分 (as a technical error),簡單直接。


講咗咁多,直接俾大家睇我嘅例子,我兩次都係直接寫letter send email去faculty。



Dear Arts Faculty,

I am writing to request for a check on the assessment grades.

  • <Name + UID>
  • <Course code + Course name>
  • <To be checked: assignment 1, assignment component, final grade>

Grounds for making the request to check:

The marks of the <assignment 1> might be miscalculated; thus affects the <assignment component’s> grade. Also, the aggregated marks of all assessments might be possible to be calculated into one higher sub-grade even if the grade of the <assignment component> remains the same, as demonstrated in the appendix.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

<Your name>

喺Appendix,我用小學數學計一次,類似計完個min value都係高過本身個grade嘅range咁。



如果話例子1係理據充足,咁例子2就係比較搏一鋪嘅。呢次我並冇所有course component嘅分數,事實上,我只係有component grade/ grade range,仲要係特登問Tutor攞嘅,所以我有嘅資料並唔足以印證到有任何計算上嘅錯誤。然而我認為值得一試,因為我嘅細grade顯示我嘅final grade同cut off應該只有極少嘅距離。

以下係我寫嘅Grounds for making the request to check:

Marks for tutorial class participation and 2nd Assignment may be mistaken. The marks of all the components might also be miscalculated; It may be possible that it can be calculated into one sub-grade higher. I have attached all the assignments and relevant documents for your reference.

可以睇得出我係冇grounds嘅haha。我喺appendix上附有我所有嘅assignment同埋midterm script,希望可以動之以情,以一個學期嘅誠意及真心打動examiner。


As shown by my grades throughout the semester, I am very committed to my studies and have been consistently trying my best. I’ve worked extra hard for this class and would be really grateful if my grade could reflect that. Either way, I am thankful for your time and attention in reconsidering my overall grade.


Portal SIS一兩日就會Update grade,亦會退錢入你Portal內登記左嘅bank account。
